Perfect Stitch Viewer
Embroidery File Icon Viewer
Turn your embroidery file names into your own personal embroidery image gallery.
This simple yet powerful utility enables you to customize file types for display in multiple icons or thumbnail sizes.
All major embroidery stitch formats are supported including; 10o, bqm, cqp, csd, dat, dsb, dst, dsz, dxf, c2s, emd, exp, hqa, hqf, hqv, hus, iqp, jef, ksm, m3, svg, pat, pcm, pcs, pec, pes, phc, plt, qcc, qli, sew, shv, ssd, sst, t01, t03, t05, tap, U01, vip, vp3, vp4, xxx, zhs.
Includes 37 bonus embroidery designs!
*Make sure to save your designs on your computer's hard drive to ensure the smooth operation of Perfect Stitch Viewer.
Did you purchase Perfect Stitch Viewer and need help installing it? Please visit our installation page here.
Minimum System Requirements:
Windows 10
Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster or SoC.
RAM: 2 GB (64-bit)
Free hard disk space: 16 GB.
Graphics card: DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver.
Display: 800 x 600
MacOS OS version 13.6.5 (Ventura)
Processor: Intel Core i5 Dual-Core or Apple M1/M2
Memory: 8 GB
Hard Disk: 500 GB
This software is a download, you will receive a serial number and a download link after purchase.